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Fast, effective & affordable, The Ultimate Body Wrap uses natural ingredients and allows you to pick where you want to lose - literally shrink your trouble spots in just 45 minutes!

The Ultimate Applicator is a site-specific slimming body wrap designed for abs, back, legs, arms and chin area. The wrap is made of a non-woven cloth and is an easy, powerful one-step application formula that helps yo
u to lose inches, tighten and tone, and improves skin texture for younger looking skin.

They heal stretchmarks, combat cellulite and rejuvinate the skin from a cellular level. Many customers have reported relief from other symptoms such as IBS, Arthrits pain & psoriasis just to name a few!

The easy to apply in-home wrap is great for people with busy schedules who need a "jump start" to their health programme! It's fabulous for de-toxing your system as well!

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